Ionization Potential

Ionization Potential source : socratic.org Ionization Potential : "It is equal to the energy required to remove an electron from…

Saroj Bhatia


Catalysis- source : http://faculty.chem.queensu.ca CATALYSIS- " Catalyst is a  substance which increases or decreases (alters) the rate of reaction & remains…

Saroj Bhatia


GAS LAWS source : youtube.com Boyle's Law This law was given by Boyle in 1662. According to this law, At…

Saroj Bhatia

units of universal gas constant-

universal gas constant   source : slideplayer.com     units of universal gas constant- Value of  R in M.K.S. System…

Saroj Bhatia

Acid-base Indicators : Theories

     Acid-base Indicators : Theories - source : scottscience.weebly.com   Acid-base Indicators : Theories - (1)       Ostwald's Theory- According to this…

Saroj Bhatia

Structural formula -Part 4

Structural formula- source :commons.wiki media.org Structural formula- Q 1-Molecular formula of compd 'A' is C2H7N. It gives bad smelling compd…

Saroj Bhatia

Structural formula Part-3

Structural formula source : melayunak al. esy.es Structural formula Q 1-- Molecular formula of organic compd is  C2H4O. It gives…

Saroj Bhatia

Structural Formula Part-2

Structural Formula source : source forge.net Structural Formula Q 1-Molecular formula of compd is C2H5NO. Compd when heated with Br2…

Saroj Bhatia

Structural Formula Part-1

Structural Formula- source : chem collective.org Structural Formula- Q 1-- Two isomeric compounds ( A) & (B) have C =52.17…

Saroj Bhatia

Dissociation of Dinitrogen Tetra oxide

Dinitrogen Tetra oxide source : slide player.com Dissociation of N2O4 (Dinitrogen Tetra oxide) N2O4    2NO2 Let   'a'  moles of…

Saroj Bhatia