Pinacol-Pinacolone Rearrangement
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Conversion of 1,2-glycols(pinacol) to ketone or aldehyde(pinacolone) by means of acid is called pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement.
Mechanism-This rearrangement is acid-catalysed reaction for ∝-glycols.Its mechanism is as follows-
Note:Migration of alkyl group and elimination of -OH by the proton catalyst take place simultaneously.
Main features of Pinacol-Pinacolone Rearrangement–
1.Stability of the carbonium ion–
when two -OH groups are different then -OH group will be removed which products more stable carbonium ion.
2.Migratory aptitude of the group-
a) The migrating group may be alkyl,aryl or even hydrogen atom,then migrating atom is Hydrogen atom.
b)When each of the carbonatoms of glycol has an alkyl and an aryl group,then preferentially aryl group migrates.
c)When one carbon atom possesses two alkyl group and other aryl group then alkyl group migrates to form more stable carbonium ion.
d)When two aryl groups are present then migratory aptitude follows the order
3)Intramolecular migration:
The migrating group migrates within the molecule.When a mixture of two different pinacols are heated in the present of acid , no cross product is formed.
4)Steric effect-The migration of the group is affected by steric factors.
5)Transmigration– The migrating group migrates to the trans side of the leaving group.