Saturated,Unsaturated,Functional group – IUPAC
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Saturated & Unsaturated Compounds
Those organic compounds in which the Carbon atoms among them selves are linked by a single bond are called saturated compounds.
Those organic compounds in which the Carbon atoms among themselves are linked by double or triple bonds are called unsaturated compounds.
Those organic compounds which are made up of only Carbon & Hydrogen are called hydrocarbons .
Saturated Hydrocarbons –
Those hydrocarbons which contain only single bonds between Carbon atoms are called saturated hydrocarbons. These are also called paraffins (Parum – small, affinis – affinity) as these are chemically less reactive.
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons –
Those hydrocarbons in which at least two carbon atoms are linked through double or triple bond are called unsaturated hydrocarbons. These are more reactive due to presence of double or triple bond [Pi bond].
Functional group-
A functional group is an atom or group of atoms in a molecule that gives the molecule its characteristic chemical properties
Group which is responsible for the chemical properties of compound is called functional group.
Compound Functional group
CH3-Cl -Cl
CH3-NH2 -NH2
CH3-NO2 -NO2
Those organic compounds in which only one functional group is present, are called monofunctional group compounds, while the organic compound in which two or more than two functional groups, whether same or different are present, are called polyfunctional group compounds .