Structural formula-IUPAC
Structural formula-IUPAC name –
IUPAC name of an organic compound consists two, three or all the following parts
a) Root word
b) Primary Suffix
c) Secondary Suffix
d) Prefixes
Structural formula-IUPAC : Rules –
a) Root word indicates the longest carbon chain . Write the number of carbon atoms in a straight chain & number them from one end.
b) Primary suffix (-ane, -ene & -yne) indicates the nature of chain. In case multiple bonds are present , place them at proper places in the chain and rest by single bonds.
c) Secondary suffix indicates the principal functional group. Place the functional group at proper place in the chain. If principal functional group is the chain terminating group then put it at carbon -1
If functional group is not shown by any numerical number it is assumed that it is located at carbon-1
d) Prefixes are the substituents or secondary functional groups. Place them at the proper places with the help of locants
e) Now add Hydrogen atoms to satisfy four valencies of each carbon atom to get the structural formula.
Ex.1) 2-Methyl pentan-1-ol
EX.2) 4-Methyl pent-2-ene
EX.3) 3-Methyl butanoic acid
EX.4) 5-Chloro-7-hydroxy-3-methoxy oct-5-enal